WAMP (Windows Apache Mysql PHP) with AppServ 2.5.10

Kamis, 24 September 2009

To be able to use WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) on windows machine, the easiest way is to uses WAMP packages existing bundle of Apache, MySQL, PHP, and PHPMyAdmin on a package installer like PHP Triad, XAMPP Server, etc. AppServ . Installer packages have the advantages and disadvantages of each, but still be able to meet the needs of the application of Web-based programming with Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

On this occasion will be discussed on WAMP installation using AppServ 2.5.10 version that can be obtained for free at AppServNetwork. In membundle AppServ version 2.2.8 Apache version complete with a module with PHP 5.2.6 with MySQL 5.0.51b-community-nt-log and MyAdmin PHP version 2.10.3. Package installer AppServ owned classified as very User Friendly, because it uses the configuration wizard for each component support, allowing for users who are new even to pair WAMP on a computer.

Here's Step-by-step installation of WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL PHP) with AppServ 2.5.10. First prepare the installer package AppServ-win32-2.5.10.exe, double click the installer package to a Wizard dialog appears as follows.
Having emerged from the initial Wizard AppServ installer package, click the Next button to continue the installation process, until the License Agreement is displayed from the package.
Click the I Agree button if you accept the agreement to continue the installation process. If the license agreement approved by mengclick I Agree button, then the installation will proceed to the stage to determine the installation path or the location into the computer hard disk, the default installation will be in Place in C: \ AppServ, but can be customized as you wish.
After determining the location of the installation, click the Next button to continue the installation process to the next stage of selection of components to be installed. Here we can select specific components or all components available to install.
After determining the components to install, click the Next button to continue the installation next ketahap, namely the basic configuration of Apache web server, the wizard dialog will ask you to enter server name, administrator email, and the port to be used by Apache. Fill in localhost or the hostname of the machines used in the Server Name text input, E-mail address with the correct format in the Administrator Email text input, and port 80 as a standard that is used, then click the Next button to continue the installation process to the next stage of the MySQL Database Server Configuration .
 In the dialogue MySQL Server Configuration Wizard we are asked to fill in the password that will be used as the root user password of the MySQL Server. There is also some optional settings that can be given as Char Sets and Collations and activation InnoDB engine in MySQL, but the most important thing at this stage is the MySQL root password.
MySQL Server Configuration Wizard is an Interactive last, after completing a customized MySQL Server installation process proceed by clicking the Install button, and the installation was done, as shown below.
To view details of the installation process can be done by clicking the Show details button, and the results are as follows.
After all the installation process is completed the installer will display the finishing dialog, check the option list to start Apache and MySQL so that both the service directly on the run after the Finish button is clicked.
After all stages of the installation is complete, it can be assumed that Apache and MySQL service is running according to the input configuration during installation. To know it can be done by opening a web browser (Firefox, Safari Web browser, or Internet Explorer), then type the url address bar http://localhost/ on the location or address bar of the web browser. If your web browser displays the page as shown below, it is likely that the installation process went perfectly.
After all stages of the installation is complete, it can be assumed that Apache and MySQL service is running according to the input configuration during installation. To know it can be done by opening a web browser (Firefox, Safari Web browser, or Internet Explorer), then type the url address bar http://localhost/ on the location or address bar of the web browser. If your web browser displays the page as shown below, it is likely that the installation process went perfectly.

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